One Discovery Lightning

The most important demo you will see at LegalWeek.  

Don't just "hang on" to your eDiscovery revenue - become a leader in the next generation of data-centric services. 

The Warwick Hotel
(across from the Hilton)
Tuesday & Wednesday
(March 25 & 26)
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sign up here!

Your Keys to the C-Suite

The One Discovery Lightning platform provides your team with a complete, client-ready solution for the next generation of data-centric services. Transform billions of records into actionable C-Suite reports - and become the trusted partner for all things data.  Out of the box reports include:

  • ROT and/or "dark data" reports for the CIO.
  • Storage efficiency reports for the CTO.
  • Compliance reports - including locations of PII - for the Chief Privacy Officer.
  • Sensitive Data Maps for the Chief Risk or Security Officer.
  • Risk and Remediation Reports for the Chief Legal Officer.
business documents on office table with smart phone and laptop computer and graph financial with social network diagram and three colleagues discussing data in the background

Be the Bearer of Light(ning)

Light up the darkest corners of your client's storage overnight with Lightning IQ - the fastest scanning and processing software on the market. Capable of scanning and analyzing 100 billion records (25+ petabytes) per day on Dell, EMC and NetApp storage, Lightning IQ is the key that unlocks a new generation of data-centric services for your key customers. 

Lightning IQ gives you the tools you need to tackle petabyte-sized challenges and projects. 

attorney manipulating data

Future Proof your eDiscovery 

30-50x faster processing speeds than competitive solutions. Robust ECA and attorney-friendly UI keeps existing clients happy. Built to help you optimize your eDiscovery revenues in the face of rapidly changing market dynamics and pricing in both data hosting and licensing. 

Take control of your eDiscovery destiny while establishing a foundation for petabyte-scale projects and workflows.

top view of businessman hand working with modern technology and digital layer effect as business strategy concept

Bring Data Quality to AI

AI initiatives consume massive amounts of data - and the higher quality the data, the better the results.  With billions of dollars being invested in AI projects data quality is quickly becoming a real challenge. Armed with Lightning you can rapidly transform petabytes of unstructured data into high-quality AI data sets for your largest corporate clients.

Data quality will determine who wins and loses in the AI market. The winners will be Lightning powered. 

Shiny blue binary code on black background

The Warwick New York (across the street from the Hilton Midtown)

65 W 54th St, New York, NY 10019